Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Art and Soul'd: Leif Podhajsky

The psychedelic and dreamy works of Leif Podhajsky.  His work is like a poetic dance of esoteric allusions.  I seem to be drawn to art that utilizes symmetry and in ways that bends the mind.  Leif's work intends to inspire the viewer into an altered consciousness, one that realigns the self and its surroundings.  He has created cover art for musical artists such as Lykke Li, Foals, Grimes, The Vines, Miami Horror and the like.  Along with his influence on fashion he also has materialized his beautiful creations into wearable art with T- shirts and printed silk scarves.

Step into his world here. Or should I say your own...  

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Say That You Love Me.

Don't let Hallmark define your love.

There's one day a year that has always been a topic for controversy... Valentine's Day.  Dubbed “The Hallmark Holiday”, there is a positive message that is often lost amongst all of the material and consumer driven motives...(what “holiday” isn’t consumer driven though?) Aside from the historical significance, holidays are celebrated with the purpose to bring people together and to share happiness.  As humans, we are social beings, we were born to communicate and to connect.   Everyone wants to love and to be loved in return; it is the essence of our very existence.  But what is love? The definition differs between every individual.  Valentine’s Day however seems to focus on “romantic love”, the kind of love that can only be shared with a significant other.  It doesn’t have to be about that if you don’t want it to.  Love is not measured by materials or objects, it cannot be measured.  Love comes from within, you get what you give.  So go ahead, wear some red, give someone a kiss and celebrate your being. Spread the love.  You may be surprised what you’ll find.

(images via: tumblr, Nasty Gal, For Love and Lemons,Sian Melton, and that creative name tag was made for me at Sasquatch Music festival 2 years ago)

Monday, 11 February 2013

Style Theme: Witchy Ways.

 Play this song from 1:00 and scroll down...

It's the year of the witch.  There has been a wealth of black magic conjuring in the fashion air lately and I can't be more inhaled.  I have been curating these majestic pictures over the years and felt it was time to release them in an overloaded inspirational post.  Sheers, leather, velvet, long drapestry and hooded cloaks..Not to mention my favourite colours, black, dark blues, purples and reds. Wiccan like accessories and symbols have been surfacing as well, crescent moons, pentacles, Cross of Lorraine, Egyptian Pagan symbols like the Eye of Ra and the ankh, wirey and woven jewelry etc.. all stirred up together to create my very own love potion. 

Below are my 3 favourite lines that emanate a witchy aura:


Sisters Of The Black Moon

Bona Drag Boutique

Get lost in the magic...

Warning: Do your research when it comes to symbolism.  Don't wear something unless you understand its meaning and it is something that truly represents something for you.  I don't recommend anyone to get into any sort of practice or theory without the proper knowledge.

(Images via: tumblr, Ovate,  Sun in Scorpio, The Cult of Style, Pamela Love NYC, we are so droee, Spell and the Gypsy.)